Take Care Of Your Organs

Take Care Of Your Organs Here are some tips for taking care of your body: TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR THROAT : Eat black pepper. TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NOSE : Eat lots of mint or pudina. TO KEEP YOUR MIND FRESH : Have eight hours sleep. TO KEEP YOUR EYES IN GOOD HEALTH : Do foot massage before sleeping. TO KEEP YOUR STOMACH IN GOOD HEALTH : Eat warm foods. TO KEEP YOUR HEART IN GOOD HEALTH : Restrict salt intake. TO KEEP LIVER IN GOOD SHAPE : Avoid fast foods. TO KEEP YOUR KIDNEYS IN GOOD SHAPE : Empty the bladder before sleeping. TO PROTECT APPENDIX : Drink lemon juice. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruit Keep your immunizations up-to-date Don’t use tobacco, vape products, alcohol, or drugs Exercise as often as you can Stay aware of your emotions and moods Wear proper protection at home, work, or play See your health-care provider if you think something may be wrong. https://natureloversindia123.blog...