

                         "THE HERO OF ALL FRUITS"
The poor man's fruit is rich in benefits.
Easily available, pocket friendly and rich in health benefits.  Banana as sure seems like the heroes of the fruit family. here are some ways in which they help.
Controls Acidity Fast
What's your favorite antacid? An over the counter preparation ?  Cold milk ? The next time you get an acid attack have banana. It works fast because it's cool fruit and it  coats the lining of the stomach, so  the acid cannot attack.

Heals ulcers
Ulcers caused by the combination of stress and unhealthy food habits are well managed by the  cooling and coating effects of bananas.

Great for athletes
Bananas provide carbohydrates in a digestible form that does not make blood sugar spike. This makes it a pre-worked out food of choice for athletes. Bananas contain magnesium, calcium and potassium. Important minerals for active people.

Protect your heart
The potassium in bananas is a heart and blood vessel friendly mineral because it helps regulate blood pressure. Bananas are also a good source of fibres that helps cleanse the body of extra cholesterol and acidic elements. This keeps the blood healthy and helps prevent the development of plaque in the heart.

Good For Nerves
Bananas are the source of the vitamin B group, essential for good nerve health. This also benefits people with a vata imbalance and sleep problem.

Help Manage Piles
The components of bananas (and aloe vera juice) work like a laxative and decrease the formation of piles over a period of time.

Make For A Quick Break Fast
Children and people on run should have a banana shake or banana smoothie or banana with cereal, because it provides almost all essential elements required for morning, including complex carbohydrates. natural proteins and fat and essential vitamins.

Get Gorgeous
Many skin packs or hair packs include banana because they are good moisturizer and a sound base for other ingredients. They are good for sensitive skin and hair nourishment.


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