Physical Exercise

                       Physical Exercise

Physical activity increases the roughness and strength of the body and should be welcomed within reasonable limit. 
  • It produces additional effects such as the feeling of lightness, 
  • zest to work 
  • tenacity, 
  • diminution of dosas and enhancement of digestive power.
But carries beyond limits physical activity causes 
  • Exhaustion
  • loss of weight
  • Severe thirst
  • vomiting
  • Internal bleeding
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Even death.(many people die in gym)
Too much physical activity therefore no more desirable than too much talking, sexual intercourse, or night vigil. Indeed those who suffer from wasting due to excessive indulgence in sexual activity, heavy manual work such as loads, evacuative therapy or emotional disturbances should desist from physical activity.

So should children, the old with vata troubles. Those who habitually talk too much and too loudly and others with hunger and thirst.

There are several unwholesome  activities and habits have been identified for disapproval. What should be the line of management for a person who has  developed an unwholesome habit ? Also how should one cultivate a sound habit? Both processes should be in fact, be carried out gradually. In an acceptable regimen no more tha a quarter of process of giving up of a bad habit and the acceptance of a good habit should be done initially. On the next day , and at subsequent instalments after two and three days, the remaining three quarter of process should be accomplished. Calibrating the riddance of an unwholesome habit as well as uptake of a  good habit is conductive to stable result.


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