Life In Accord with Season
Life In Accord with Season
Life in earth is controlled by the movement of sun. Life events would suggest that time, seasons and three bodily components (the essence of digestive food, dosas and strength) are governed in the final analysis, bu SUN, MOON and WIND.
Time measured as a year has six seasons : Sisira, Vasanta and Grishma characterize by SUMMER SOLISTICE when the sun progress to the North of the equator and brings about a period of drawing up (Adana Kaal) . During adana the sun draws moisture through hot and rough winds and progressively increases the quality of roughness in substance as it progresses from sisira to grisma. A consequence of this drying and roughening process is the augmentation of rasas (taste) - bitter (tikta), astringent (kasaya) and pungent (katu) which share the quality of roughness, and a decrease in body strength.
Thus the seasons are marked by fluctuation of strength.
During adana, the body strength is highest in sisira, medium in vasanta and lowest in grishma.
The rest of the year consist of Varsha, Sarat and Hemanta brin which coincide with the WINTER SOLISTICE When the sun moves south of an equator. This period witnesses the release or (Visarga Kaal) release of whatever was drawn up earlier. In contrast, the sun's power is lessened during southward course of clouds, winds and rain during varsa, sarat and hemanta. The heavenly showers cool the earth, the moon gains ascendancy and the taste (rasas) sour (amla), salty (lavana) and sweet (madhur)- which have the opposite of rough quality dominate. As a result the body gains in strength.
Thus the seasons are marked by fluctuation of strength.
During visarga kaal or release , it is the highest in hemanta, medium in sarat and lowers in varsha.
In Hemant (winter), the cold wind retards the release of body heat and enhances the digestive fire, even food heavy in quality and quantity becomes digestible. If adequate food is not available, the digestive fire consumes body rasas and causes vata disturbances that are commonly seen in the cold season.
Therefore during Pre-winter hemanta, oily, sour and salty products of meat, alcohol, dairy products, cane juice, oil and hot water do not harm in hemanta. Massage , application of oil to the head and body, living in a heated rooms or the cellar are also beneficial. To keep oneself warm, silk, hide and leather, travel should be undertaken by carriage. Applying Agru paste to the body gives comfort.
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Agru Aguillaria agallocha |
The onset of sisira heightens libido. When snow falls and winter deepens, exposure to frosty winds should be avoided. Other things to be avoided include light food and drinks that may enhance vata, cold drinks, insufficient intake of food and eating pungent, bitter and astringent food.
In spring ritu the rising heat of sun perturbs body fat. This may cause various disorders which can be prevented by evacuative procedures like emesis, avoiding a diet which is heavy sour, oily and sweet and day sleep. Physical activity, bath and gargles with warm water, use of collyrium and medicated smoke, and sporting of flowers are desirable. Application of sandal and agaru paste to the body, diet with barley and wheat as staple. Wine would also added to the sense of well being Spring is also the season to savour and beauty and the woods.
When the season changes to summer, the hot rays of sun captures the water of earth and alter the composition of substances. Sweet, cold liquid and fatty food and drinks are than appropriate. To prevent disorders a diet consisting of the meat, dairy products and rice and cold and sweet drinks are advised. Physical exertion, wine in large quantities and salt and, sour, pungent and hot food are better avoided Sleep in the cool interior of the house during the day and on the roof cooled by the moon's ray. during the night are pleasant.
To enjoy the breeze from the fan dipped in sandal water and to wear jewels on the hand add to the joy of life. When summer heat advances one should walk in the forest, besides lake and rivers and enjoy flowers in bloom Sexual intercourse id inappropriate at this time because of body weakness.
The body and its power of digestion weakens during the heat of summer.
The weakness of digestion spills over into the following season of monsoon when vata related disorders also assails the body. Therefore a quit and leisurely lifestyle is the ideal in the monsoon season. This involves absenteeism from drinking cold water and river water, Day sleep, physical exertion, exposure to strong sun and sexual intercourse. When the days are cool with rain and wind, drinks mixed with honey sour and salty food taste and fatty additives are useful for vata related troubles. To retain digestive power special foods such as rice. old barley wheat are suitable.
oil, meat, alkali, curd day sleep and easterly wind are to be avoided. Medicated ghee , purgation, blood letting and avoidance of the hot sun may have a role in controlling disturbed pitta. Sporting flower garlands, wearing clean cloths and enjoying the moonlight are source of pleasure. Water heated by the sun's ray during the day and cooled by the moon's ray during the night brewed by time, and purified by the star Agastya is faultless and known as water for the swan (hamsodakam) This is excellent for bathing, swimming and drinking.
When all is said and done, an individual may have come to a perfect adjustment through a long use of a given lifestyle which is known as okasatmya. This too makes for wholesomeness because it embraces personal idiosyncrasies as well as local circumstances including climate.
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