Slimming and Building uo in therapeutics

         Slimming and Building up in therapeutics

If the disturbance of dosha fails to settle or worsen, the therapy is inadequate or or is inadequatly carried out.

A good physician  must know the principles and practice of six procedures which are employed in therapeutics. They are :
Slimming Langhana
Building Brmhana
Roughening Roksana
Lubricating Snehana
Fomenting Svedana
Arresting or Checking Stambhana

Slimming Langhana  लंघन upvas
Slimming makes the body light
Qualities of medication : Lightness, heat, roughness, instability, non slipperiness, intensity.
Action : Makes the body light.

Building Brmhana
Building up adds to the bulk.
Qualities  of medication : Heaviness, coldness, softness, lubricity, solidity, stability, slowness, smoothness.
Action : Adds to the bulk.

Roughening Roksana 
रुक्षता रूखापन
Roughening imparts roughness, coarseness and non-slipperiness, hardness.
Qualities of medication
Action : Roughens, produces non-slipperiness

Lubricating Snehana स्नेहन
light Lubrication imparts oiliness,, softness, flow and wetting.
Qualities of medication : Liquidity, subtlety, instability, lubricity, heaviness, coldness, slowness, softness.
Action : Lubricates, moistens softens.

Fomenting Svedana स्वेदन,  'पसीना निकालना'

Fomentation causes sweating and relieves stiffness, heaviness and cold.
Qualities of Medication : Heat, sharpness, instability, lubricity, subtlety, liquidity, stability.
Action : Induces sweat, relieves stiffness.

Arresting or Checking Stambhana स्तम्भन,  शांत करना
light Arresting stops or checks the flow of mobile substance all over the body
Qualities of Medication : Coldness, slowness, softness subtlety, smoothness, or roughness, liquidity, stability, lightness.
Action : Checks or arrests the mobility of all substances in the body.

Slimming makes the body light, whereas building up adds to the bulk. Roughening imparts roughness, soreness and non slipperiness, lubrication imparts oiliness, softness, flow and wetting; Fomentation causes sweating and relieves stiffness, heaviness and cold.. Arresting stops or checks the flow of mobile substances all over the body. The diet and medications used for the six procedures and their respective qualities and actions.

Slimming and roughening therapy have much in common in terms of the qualities of the diet and medications and the effect produced. Among the procedures, slimming and building up  deserve special attention.

Slimming or reduction takes several forms in their therapeutics. Evacuative therapy, open air life with exposure to sun and wind a digestive regimen including fasting and withstanding of thirst and physical exercise are the most commonly used methods of reduction, but the candidates for each would vary. A corpulent and strong individual with copious stores of kapha, pitta, excretory impurities and disturbed vata is in need of evacuative therapy. So are diabetes, those with skin disease, those who eat too much fatty food that is rich and blocks the channels and suffer from vata disorders. Individuals with corpulence of medium severity but suffering from kapha and pitta disorders like vomiting, diarrhea, heart disease, fever or acid eructation, should be initially treated by a regimen to enhance the digestive fire. This may usually suffice. If the complaints are mild, fasting, and restriction of fluid intake in spite of thirst may be sufficient. If the symptoms are medium or slight in able bodied persons, physical exercise and open air living should be recommended.

Building up is appropriate for persons who are old, weak, wasted, and injured. For travelers covering long distances on foot and for those who enjoy wine and female company liberally. The summer is the best season for building up therapy, therefore it should include a diet containing fish, meat. Persons suffering from phthisis, piles, abdominal and other diseases associated with wasting benefit from a soup of meat. Apart from bulk promoting foods, universal measures should include oil massage and bath, sleep, enemas with sweet and lubricant substances, sugar, milk and ghee. If the therapy is successful, the individual gains strength and weight and overcome the defect of lean. If the therapy is overdone, the pendulum may swing the other way and the patient may become obese.

Roughening is similar to reducing therapy and mainly consist of diet of pungent, bitter and astringent substance, oil cake , buttermilk, and honey. Roughening should be administered in diseases which are marked by blocked body channels and disturbance of doshas (which are located in vital organs and thighs as stiffness). When roughening is correctly managed, the patient would feel light and cheerful, drowsiness and fatigue would disappear, passage of urine stool would return to the heart.


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