

Group of elements from our feeling’s, actions, and beliefs into a pattern, called our constitution, Prakruti.

Prakruti describes the innate disposition, body make up, or constitution of a person at conception.

Every person’s physiology and psychology is made up of three governing biological principles, the Doshas which are various combinations of five elements.

When normal, the three doshas constitute three basic pillars, termed ‘The Tri-Doshas’ which stabilizes life (health).

When abnormal, the same three doshas are responsible for ageing, disease and death.

At the time of conception, each person’s is created by the way in which the three doshas combine through the union of the parents. In addition to genetics, other factors which influence the creation of our constitution include diet, lifestyle, and emotions of our parents, the external environment which includes the conditions, weather and even the time of conception. The element of our own earthly environment, at the time we arrive. The strength and predominance of these is different in every individual. (unique)

Constitution / Prakruti is based on the predominance of the quantity and the quality of the three doshas, in the anatomical and physiological development of the individuals, as it is determined at the time of conception and remains unchanged and remain constant throughout the life. This then is the state of health for that person. The proportions of each of the three principles, air, vata, fire, pitta, and water kapha within your unique mind body constitution reflects your basic nature.

Once the constitution is formed, we view life through it and must learn to create balance from the most predominant, secondary and the least dominant force in our constitution that are active in our mind-body physiology.

One or two doshas predominate in most people. A single dosha dominance could be vata, pitta or kapha. A Two dosha dominance could be vata- pitta (Pitta-vata), Pitta-kapha), kapha-vata (vata-kapha).

Three dosha dominance, vata- pitta- kapha known as Sama prakruti is very rare. Whilst in general these are the seven main basic types of constitutions, minute differences in the percentages of doshas create innumerable constitutions in this universe. And on closer inspection there can be innumerable numbers od constitutions based on slight changes in the percentage of doshas It is said that there are as many constitutions as there are people present on earth.

When people have predominant vata structures and functions, with relatively less of pitta and kapha, they are said to have a Vata body type or more precisely they have a vata predominant psycho-physiological constitution. They show physical, mental and emotional attributes which are characteristic of vata.

Similarly, some people have predominant Pitta or Kapha structures and functions and relatively less of other two governing factors. According to they are said to have a Pita or Kapha body type. Or more correctly they have a Pitta or Kapha predominant pscho-physiological constitution. Correspondingly they show physical, mental and emotional attributes which are characteristic of Pitta or Kapha.

Vata body type

Pitta body type

Kapha body type

Your basic constitution does not change during your lifetime. The balance of V-P-K is the natural order in your body. You acquire your “constitutional thumb print” at conception and the combination of elements present remains constant, which means that your basic constitution remains unaltered during your lifetime. However, the combinations of the elements that govern the continuous physio-pathological change in your body alters the response to changes in the environment. This presents a constitution of a moment called Vikruti Which reflects your present state of health.

Your basic constitution does not change during your lifetime. The balance of V-P-K is the natural order in your body. You acquire your ‘constitutional thumb-print’ at conception and the combination of elements present remains constant, which means that your basic constitution remains unaltered during your lifetime. However, the combination of the elements that govern the continuous physio-pathological changes in your body alters in response to changes in the environment. This presents a constitution of the moment, called Vikruti, which represents your present state of health.

Any apparent deviation from your own prakruti may arise from an increased dosha, dosha vruddhi, decrease dosha dosha kshaya, vitiated dosha dosha dushti, where the three biological elements disturb the structure and functions of the body, giving rise to an imbalance, leading to an abnormality or disease. This indicates that your current mind-body state may require more attention, to be brought back into balance.

The Vikruti is usually different from the Prakruti, the constitution with which we are born. It is this difference that provides the Ayurvedic physician with enough information to formulate a program for restoring health. One should not see imbalances in the constitution as a defect. It . It represents something of value, something to work with and learn from. The majority people can achieve optimum health through proper diet and lifestyle. Adding or reducing elemental qualities as needed. Learning to understand your constitutions both of inheritance and that of the present moment, allows you to deal with present symptoms and long-term re-balancing. By understanding what increases and decreases the elements and with good hands on work, we can find relative balance within any constitution. The principles are simple. Avoid what you don’t need and increase what you are lacking. It offers new way to look at old problems.

Because we draw on elements within us to deal with demands organizing organizing them into a response in the nerves and tissues, we generally choose the most abundant elements, further enhancing our constitution and adding another historic imprint to our impressions of life on planet earth. For instance, a vata prakruti person is more prone to vata disorders.

Treatment Chikitsa, corrects Vikruti and reestablishes one’s Prakruti.

Discussing symptoms can be very disconcerting. Affirm your well being as often as possible.

The spirit is spontaneous, carefree, relaxed, easy going with no moral judgement. 

Control dramas are played by the ego. The dominant one is not necessarily the pure one. 

When the ego gets brushed, nice 

  • Vata exabits fickleness (Giddiness), restlessness(a lack of patience) and claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces).
  • Pitta becomes angry, nasty (अरुचिकर), confrontational (टकराव वाला)

  • and intimidation (डराना ).
  • Kapha is  indifferent (उदासीन), acting out withdrawal (वापसी ) and stubbornness (हठ).




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