Buddha's Coconut
Buddha's Coconut Pterygota alata
Fruits split open on one side to reveal a large number of tightly packed, winged seeds.Fruits split open on one side to reveal a large number of tightly packed, winged seeds.
A large towering giant tree, deciduous of the rain forest of Ne India and the W ghats and one of the Delhi's tallest trees even though it is stunted here. With a straight tall trunk branching very high up , and large glossy leaves crowded near the ends of short, upturned branches it usually takes a narrow, conical form.
Seasons :
Leaves : Leaves start to fall in mid-march starting from the top of the tree for a short period in late April the entire tree is bare. New leaves early in May with another flush (or two) late in the rains. Leaves very large up to 40 cm glossy and smooth 5-7 main veins from a heart shaped base apex pointy or not.
Flower : begin in late March as the old leave start to fall. About 2.5 cm wide bell shaped no petals. The flower cup has 5 or rarely 6 narrow, brownish segments, beautifully purple vein inside, densely covered with a mealy substance on the outside.
The flower cup is densely mealy on the outside. Male and female flowers are seperate but on a same tree.
Fruit : ripen on the tree in April=May of the year following the flowers
Bark : Grey brown or ashy, relatively smooth shallowly fissured when old..
Where to see : Bishambar Das Marg (near Gol Dak Khana) has remanent of a pure avenue of Buddha's coconut tree. only a few survive.
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