Rainy Season Flowers

                        Rainy Season Flowers

                                                                Mid July- Mid Sept

                   “Be like a flower. Survive the rain but use it to grow.”


Champa / Frangipani

Frangipani / Champa / Plumeria/ Temple Tree/ Pagoda Tree/ Kaadu Sampige Bangalore


Pink Champa

Plumeria Rubra / Red Champa

The pretty Plumeria goes by several common names- Frangipani,Temple Tree, Pagoda Tree, and is locally called 'Kaadu sampige'. One can find two variants in the city, Plumeria rubra with red flowers and Plumeria alba with white flowers. The blossoms appear from February all the way to October. Both variants are small and deciduous with low branches and are commonly planted in parks and gardens. Leaves are thick and both, leaves and stem exude a white milky sap when injured.

Spider Lily / Lycoris albiflora / Buttermint 

Lycoris albiflora Buttermint / Spider lily

Spider lilies are considered mildly poisonous, so don't eat them. In Japan, where it is called “Higanbana”, the plant is used to protect the rice paddies since it is toxic to rats and other wild animals. You may find the rice patties lined with these plants creating a striking view when in bloom.

White Spider Lily

Hymenocallis littoralis / White spider lily

White Spider Lily

The Spider Lily, also known as the Hymenocallis littoralis, is a flowering plant native to the Caribbean and parts of Central and South America. It is known for its beautiful white flowers that resemble spiders or spider webs, hence the name "Spider Lily."The plant is typically found in wetland areas such as marshes, swamps, and near rivers and streams. It prefers moist, well-draining soil and thrives in partial to full sun exposure. It can grow to be quite tall, reaching up to 6 feet in height, with long, narrow leaves and clusters of white flowers that bloom in the summer months.The white lily is a popular plant for gardeners, as it is easy to care for and adds a tropical touch to any garden. It is also popular in floral arrangements, as the flowers are long-lasting and have a sweet fragrance.Overall, the Spider lily is a beautiful and low-maintenance plant that is perfect for adding a touch of tropical beauty to any garden.

African Bush Daisy 
African Bush daisy/ Paris Daisy/ Sunflower family/Euryops chrysanthemoides./

African Daisy Bush / Euryops chrysanthemoides.

Native to South Africa, African bush-daisy is a small shrub that grows in a mound-like bush up to 3 ft tall and 4 ft wide. It has dark glossy-green, pinnately dissected, lacy leaves. The leaves are alternate, hairless, about 2 in long, and crowded at the ends of the branches. The cheerful yellow flower heads are daises about 2 in across and borne on thin wiry stalks about 5 in long. Peak flowering is in autumn-winter-spring, but flowers are usually found on the bush throughout the year. The genus name Euryops is derived from the Greek eurys meaning large and ops an eye, referring to the large flowers. The species name chrysanthemoides means resembling a chrysanthemum. The genus Chrysanthemum means gold flower from the Greek chrysos gold and anthemon a flower.

Hibiscus / China Rose/ Shoe Flower

Chinese Habiscus / Hibiscus Rosa sinensis / Shoe flower / गुड़हल 
 के फूल (Hibiscus) Bangalore

Chinese hibiscus is a small flowering tree. Its fragrant flowers are well known the world over, leading to many cultivated variants. Chinese hibiscus is the national flower of Malaysia and is featured on Malaysian coins. Although the Latin name, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, means “the rose of China,” it is not related to true roses.

Peri wrinkle / Sadabahar

Madagascar Periwinkle / सदाबहार / Catharanthus roseus)

Periwinkle / सदासुहागन / सदाबहार / Catharanthus roseus)

Blue Peri wrinkle

Catharanthus Pink flower

                                                 Catharanthus White Flower

Oleander (Nerium oleander), Kaner

Oleander (Nerium oleander), Kaner

Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a striking evergreen shrub characterized by long, lance-shaped leaves, a resilient disposition and fragrant blooms in shades of reds, pinks, yellow and white. A native of southwestern Europe and East Asia, oleander can be found growing in sunny sites in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 11. While the shrub is beautiful and sounds like a gardener's dream, it's also deadly: Ingesting a single leaf can kill an adult. Due to the plant's extreme toxicity, oleander may not be a suitable shrub for households with small children or pets, and the risk may be too great even in an adults-only home. 

All parts are toxic. Oleanders contain two extremely toxic cardiac glycosides, oleandroside and nerioside. These toxic components exist in all parts of the plant, from the leaves to the branches, seeds, flowers and even the flower nectar. Toxins are effective whether the plant is fresh or dry, and honey made from the flowers is also poisonous.

Ingesting even a very small piece of the plant may be fatal. People have died from using oleander branches as skewers for meat. Also, children have been poisoned from chewing leaves and sucking nectar from blossoms. Poisoning symptoms may include severe stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness and irregular heartbeat. Also, pupils may appear dilated. In the worst case scenario, respiratory paralysis, coma and death occur. 

southwestern Europe and East Asia, oleander can be found growing in sunny sites in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 11. While the shrub is beautiful and sounds like a gardener's dream, it's also deadly: Ingesting a single leaf can kill an adult. Due to the plant's extreme toxicity, oleander may not be a suitable shrub for households with small children or pets, and the risk may be too great even in an adults-only home.

Euphorbia / Crown  of Thorns / Christ Thorn
Euphorbia milli

Flame of wood / Ixora coccinea

Ixora, Flame of the Woods or Santan (Ixora coccinea Linn.) is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family. It is a common,evergreen flowering shrub native to Southern India and Sri Lanka. Although there are around 500 species in the genus Ixora, only a handful are commonly cultivated.

Bird sucking nectar from the flower.

Poinsettia / पॉइन्सेटिया / "क्रिसमस" या "अनानास" पौधे 

Poinsettia / Euphorbia pulcherrima
In warm climates the poinsettia grows outdoors as a winter-flowering leggy shrub about 3 metres (10 feet) high; as a potted plant in northern areas it rarely grows beyond 1 metre. What appear to be petals are actually coloured leaf like bracts that surround a central cluster of tiny yellow flowers. A milky latex  in the stems and leaves  can be irritating to persons or animals sensitive to it, but the claim that poinsettias are deadly poisonous is greatly exaggerated.



Green unripe fruits of the plant are toxic to humans. Ingestion of the flowers, fruits, and leaves can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, and liver failure, while the leaves can cause contact dermatitis.

Butterfly Pea

Butterfly Pea blue/ Clitoria ternatea / Bluebellvine, Darwin pea

Butterfly pea are revered as holy flowers in India and are utilized in everyday puja rituals. The flowers of this vine are shaped like human female genitals, hence the Latin name. This plant’s pods and leaves are eaten as vegetables, while the flowers are used as an organic food dye and in Ayurvedic medicine in Southeast Asia.

Jetropha Jatropha Flower

Jatropha Jatropha / Biofuel / Nettlespurge

Jatropha is a genus  of flowering plants in the spurge  family, Euphorbiaceae. The name is derived from the Greek  (iatros), meaning "physician", and  (trophe), meaning "nutrition", hence the common name physic nut. Another common name is nettlespurge.Most of these are native to the Americas, Plants produce separate  male and female flowers. As with many members of the family Euphorbiaceae, Jatropha contains compounds that are highly toxic. Jatropha species have traditionally been used in basketmaking, tanning and dye production. In the 2000s, one species, Jatropha curcas, generated interest as an oil crop for biodiesel production and also medicinal importance when used as lamp oil; native Mexicans in the Veracruz area developed by selective breeding a Jatropha curcas variant lacking the toxic compounds, yielding a better income when used as source for biodiesel, because of its edible byproduct. Toxicity may return if edible.

The Cupper Pod Tree / Peltophorum pterocarpum

Peltophorum pterocarpum/ The Copper Pod tree

The Copper Tree (Peltophorum pterocarpum) gets its name from the flat coppery pods which remain conspicuous on the tree for many months. The tree has a dense umbrella-shaped canopy and abundant yellow crinkly flowers appear all through March to September. The flowers last for  a short time and leave a pretty gold carpet on the ground when they shed.

Gliricidia sepium / Quick stick tree. Bangalore

Gliricidia sepium / Quick stick tree. Bangalore

The Quick Stick Tree (Gliricidia sepium) is a small deciduous tree that blooms during February to April. The flowers are a pale pink in color and appear in clusters along the tree's bare drooping branches. It is also called Mother of cocoa plantations. It is now planted as an ornamental tree and can be seen in Cubbon Park and Lalbagh.




Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosa folia) has its origins from  Brazil and blooms during February and March. It has light,feathery leaves and thick clusters of purple-blue tubular flowers. It makes for a very pretty ornamental tree and is quite common around the city.

Canon Ball Tree

Cannon Ball Tree / Couroupita guianensis

The Cannon Ball Tree (Couroupita guianensis) flowers almost throughout the year and exudes a pleasant smell. The tree is considered sacred in India. The structure of a flower is compared to a 'Shiva linga'. It is locally known as the 'Nagalinga Pushpa tree' The tree produces woody , spherical fruits that  can be huge, almost 25 cm in diameter! The flower and the trees  grows on the trunk of the trees and not on branches. 

Bauhinia variegata Bangalore

Variegated Bauhinia & Purple variegata (Bauhinia variegata & Bauhinia purpura) are similar looking trees, quite hard to tell apart, except for the color of the flower which vary from pale pink. It is a small tre and is cultivated in the gardens. The tree had flat pods that split open the force to scatter seeds when they are ripe. The leaves has an split in between, like a hoof print. It is locally known as 'Basavanapada'.


Plumbago auriculata

Plumbago is an evergreen flowering shrub that is grown as a climber. It blooms from spring through autumn.

Double white Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe all colors


Leaves are fleshy. Flowers are in pink,white, orange and yellow color. These plants are cultivated as ornamental houseplant. Kalanchoe and Euphorbia succulents are two succulents that can be toxic to humans. Still, as a general rule with all house plants, it's important to keep even non-toxic succulents out of reach of children and pets.


Red Ivy Geranium Bush

Geranium / Pelargonium flowering plant / Rangoon creeper/ Burma creeper / Chinese honeysuckle / Combretum indicum/ Storkbills/ Cranesbill

Geranium/ Pelargonium inquinans

White Gerenium



Trailing stems with vibrant flowers. Grown as houseplants and bedding plants. The flowers mostly red, orange , white. The erect stems bear five-petaled flowers in umbel-like clusters, which are occasionally branched. Leaves are usually alternate, and palmately lobed or pinnate, often on long stalks, and sometimes with light or dark patterns. The leaves of Pelargonium peltatum (Ivy-leaved Geranium), have a thick cuticle better adapting them for drought tolerance.

Geraniums are a great plant to have in your garden, particularly because they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. You will find red among the geraniums quite often, and this often makes for a captivating display, despite them growing fairly low to the ground. They are great for filling up bare spots of your garden that need the extra color; they’re also good for ground cover. There’s a geranium to suit every need your garden may have, so do your research and pick one that’s best for you! Most geraniums will be happy to grow in the full sun, or even partial shade. Expect more prolific blooms the more sunlight hours your geraniums get. When given plenty of sun, though, be sure to supplement them with more water to prevent damage to the plant. Geraniums also aren’t especially picky about the soil they’re planted in. Give them a neutral to alkaline soil pH, and ensure that it is well-drained, and they should be set! Otherwise, water them only when the soil gets very dry.

The name Pelargonium is derived from the Greek pelargos (stork), because the seed head looks like a stork's beak. Geranium was named after a crane. 


Red Rose. Symbol of love


Mehroon Rose 

White Rose

Pink Rose

Orange Rose

Yellow Rose

Jasmine / Yasmin / चमेली 

                            Jasmine. Because of its scent it is known as Gandharaj. चमेली

                                                          Jasminum, Arabian, or night jasmine . Gandharaj.

Tuberose / रजनीगन्धा

Polianthes tuberosa / . रजनीगन्धा

                                                                     Cape Jasmine

  • Mogra / Motia / Arabian Jasmine

Nymphaea / Water lily

Water lily, also known as Nymphaea, are aquatic plants that bloom during the monsoon season in India. These beautiful flowers come in a range of colors, including white, pink, and yellow. Water lilies are associated with rebirth, purity, and spiritual enlightenment. 

Water lilies are associated with rebirth, purity, and spiritual enlightenment. These flowers are commonly used in Hindu worship rituals and are also popular in ornamental gardening.

                                                                 Camellia japonica

Brahma Kamal. ब्रह्मकमल

                                                           Lotus (Lillies) Nymphaea odorata 


                                                                 Water lily. Nymphaea odorata.

                                                       Lotus Nelumbo nucifera

                                                                      Lotus. Nelumbo 

                                                            Blue Lotus. Nymphaea
Water Lily

Lotus Nymphaea  



Sunflower / सूरजमुखी का फूल

Sun flower

                                      Sunflower. Giant looking flower look very attractive / सूरजमुखी

Sunflower / सूरजमुखी का फूल 


The giant, common yellow sunflower is a course looking plant with rough textured leaves.

Cleome Flower / Spider Flower

Cleome hassleriana  / Spider Flower/ spider legs/ Grandfather's whiskers

Cleome inflorenceses 
The common name of spider flower comes from the appearance of the long, thread-like stamens of the individual flowers and the elongated seed pods that develop below the blooming flowers. Plants bloom from early summer until frost in a dense, 6-8 inch wide, ever-lengthening terminal inflorescence (a raceme). Each 1–1½” wide individual flower on a 2-inch pedicel has 4 reflexed light green sepals, 4 clawed petals and 6 erect to spreading stamens that grow to 3-inches long with yellow-orange anthers. The petals may be white, pink, rose or purple. The flowers may be visited by hummingbirds, hummingbird moths, many types of bees and butterflies. Bats are thought to be the main pollinator in its native tropical habitat. Many types have no noticeable fragrance, while others are very fragrant, often described as a musky, sweet and pungent, or spicy scent. Cleome can be an excellent, striking cut flower if the scent is not considered disagreeable.

                          Bellis perennis.  family Asteraceae,    Leucanthemum


Red Salvia Flower

The plants may be tall or dwarf and bushy. Tubular bright scarlet flowers are born above foliage on top. 

Bellis perennis.  family Asteraceae,    Leucanthemum



                                                                   Tree Peony

              Jasminum sambac, Mogra, Arabian Jasmine / Motia / मोगरा (Mogra)

Ixora coccinea रुग्मिनी

                                                                     Pot Marigold


Cosmos  Flower / कॉसमॉस  फूल

Cosmos  Flower / कॉसमॉस  फूल


Cosmos Bipinnatus

A delightful annual, the plant is 50-120 cm tall and bears Rose, Pink, Crimson, Purple & white large flowers with yellow centre on long stalks.

                              Peri wrinkle, Catharanthus roseus. सदाबहार Arrived from Madagascar


                                                                 Geranium. Cranesbills

                                                                        Geranium. Cranesbills  

Geranium. Crenesbills

                                                                     Adenium (Genus)

Aster.तारक का फूल (Daisy family)

Aster in September. तारक का फूल (Daisy family)

   Aster with a small sweet Bee.तारक का फूल (Daisy family)

Michaelmas Daisies, Aster Patens, Aster Praeustus /  Forest Flower
                          Red Aster with a small sweet Bee.तारक का फूल (Daisy family)

Portulaca oleracea. Purslane. The open cup-like flowers of purslane close during night time but unfurls again in the morning.

Cockscomb. celosia. लाल मुर्ग़ा/ कॉक्सकॉम्ब या सेलोसिया 

Cock comb

A very popular and easy to grow branching annual. It produces feathery flower spikes in a pyramidal fashion resembling Ostrich-plumes, in various colours of golden yellow, silver red & orange.



Ageratum / एजीरेटम 

Ageratum / एजीरेटम 


Plant suitable for flower beds, borders or rockeries. The branches are covered with fluffy heads of pale lavender flowers.

Water Hyacinth

Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (A weed). Invade  and choke the city's water bodies.

Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (A weed)
These thickly quickly growing mauve flowers 

                                                              Hyacinth Bulb


Papaver Orientale

Papaver Orientale

Papaver Orientale

Papaver Orientale

                                                                 Papaver Orientale

                                                                 Papaver Orientale

Papaver Orientale

                                                               Papaver. Poppy Flower

                                                       Papaver. Poppy Flower

Kaner. Nerium oleander

Kaner. Nerium Oleander



                               Osteospermum. African Daisy. Daisy Bushes. Blue Eyed Daisy

                                Osteospermum. African Daisy. Daisy Bushes. Blue eyed Daisy

                             Osteospermum. African Daisy. Daisy bushes. Blue Eyed Daisy


Champa/ Frangipani

                                    Frangipani. Plumeria. Lei Flower.  
चंपा Loved for its fragrance.



Zinnia / ज़िन्निया

Zinnia / ज़िन्निया

Zinnia / ज़िन्निया


A popular garden annual various in height from very dwarf to tall types. Flowers are of different forms and various colours such as Pink, Orange, white, Crimson, Purple, golden yellow etc.

Ranunculus bulbuses /St Anthony's Turnip

                                      Ranunculus bulbuses /St Anthony's Turnip



                                                             Narcissus. Daffodil

                                                          Narcissus. Daffodil

                                         HARSINGAR Night Blooming Jasmine










Petunia (Genus)

Deep blue Morning Glory Ipomoea. Friendly creeper

Ipomoea Blue Morning Glory


Yellow Oleander Thevertia peruviana

Yellow Oleander : Flowers most of the year, prime time from late June to September. Flowers trumpet shaped up to 7 cm long in long staked clusters. The five overlapping petals are  joined into a tube at the bottom The stamens and stigma lie deep inside the tube. The commonest variety has yellow flowers but white and peach colored forms are also cultivated.





Purple Allamanda blanchetii usually blooms during Rainy Season


                 SICKLE BUSH Dichrostachys cinerea. Chinese Lantern. Bell mimosa

                      SICKLE BUSH Dichrostachys cinerea. Chinese Lantern. Bell mimosa


                                                              Fire Bush Plant. Hamelia patens

                                              Fire Bush Plant. Hamelia patens

                                                   Fire Bush Plant. Hamelia patens

The Moon bean flower. Chandni Flower

                                                     White Champa Plumeria 

                                                            Spider Lily Bulb White. Hymenocallis

Madhu Malti. Combretum indicum

Chameli Jasmine.





White Spider Lily / Hymenocallis Littoralis

                                                                     Calendula, फ्रेंच गेंदा

Mimosa Flower Albizia julibrissin. Sensitive plant

                            Flower of Mimosa pudica blooming during rainy season.

                                                                 Calendula, फ्रेंच गेंदा

                                                                    Tree Peony 


                                                         Ipheion uniflorum, Star Flower

Clitoria ternatea

                                                     Morning Glory . Calystegia macrostegia 


                                                               Pentas Genus


                                          Spider lily, Hymenocallis littoral


Phlox Rain drop on violet flower

Monsoon Casia Fistula



Allamanda Cathartica

Kaner. Nerium Oleander

Ixora Genus

Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (A weed)

Water Hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (A weed)

Morning glory. Calistoga macrostegia




                                                           Canna lily. सर्वज्जय

                                                                      Canna. सर्वज्जय

Tree Peony



Madhu Malti . Rangoon creeper

Calliandra haematocephala. Red Powder Puff. Fairy duster

Kadam Neolamarckia

Pandanus flower केवड़ा. केतकी  

Monsoon Lily Flowers, 

                                                                       Rhododendron. बुरांश



                                                                     Primula Genus


Malva genus

Phlox (Genus)


                                                                      Phlox (Genus)



Moss Rose Purslane. Portulaca grandiflora /पोर्टुलाका 

                                                           Portulaca /पोर्टुलाका

Low growing trailing annual with fleshy leaves & single or double flowers. The flower colours are brilliant & available in shades of white, purple, yellow, scarlet, crimson & orange.

Clitoria ternatea

Scaevola Aemula


Balsam or Gulmehendi /गुलमेहंदी / Impatiens balsamina. flowers in purple, pink, red, and white


Wild Balsam

Balsam / बालसम फूल

Balsam.  pink, red, lilac, and white colors and consists of double petals.

Balsam / Impatiens/ गुलमेंहदी का फूल.

The plants are 20-60 cm tall, bearing double or single flowers with varying colours such as Rose, Red, Violet, pink, blue, white. 




                                                            Prunus spinosa

Pericallis Genus

Osteospermum (Genus)

Dimorphotheca (Genus)

Ranunculus genus

Wild Sesame Flower

Gloriosa superbaLily Gloriosa. Flame Lily

Gloriosa superbaLily Gloriosa. Flame Lily

Gloriosa superbaLily Gloriosa. Flame Lily

Purple fire Lily

African Tagetes / erecta

Tagetes Marigold/ गेंदा फूल

The plants with their attractive yellow-orange flowers bloom for long period


Dew Flower Commelina benghalensis
Dew Flower Commelina benghalensis. Yellow, orange blue

Cleome spinosa / Spider plant

Cleome / Spider Plant

Spider Plant : A tall spiny plant with large clusters of flowers with long prominent stamens. The flowers are scented & may be pink, light purple, rose or white in colour.


                                                                    Anthurium. राजहंस 





                                                                  Anthurium. राजहंस 



बुरांस या बुरुंश


Calotropis gigantea. सफ़ैद आक

Mexicana Prickly Poppy. Argemone Mexicana. Flowering thistle सत्यानाशी

                                         Lantana (An invasive plant) राईमुनिया

Saroi Lily. Manipur State Flower

Coral Fountain Plant / Firecracker Fern

Firecracker Fern / Russelia equisetiformis / Coral Fountain Plant

The Red Firecracker Fern produces loads of 1" showy red tubular flowers that are born in large loose clusters along the arching ferny stems throughout the warmer months of the year or nearly year round where winters are mild. Excellent for Hummingbirds! This is a durable and long-lived, clump forming perennial that requires little additional care once well-established. The Firecracker Fern has excellent heat and sun tolerance as well as moderate drought resistance once well-established. It is even listed as being suitable for xeriscaping. Firecracker Fern, Russelia equisetiformis, is listed as Outstanding Coastal Plant as it has excellent resistance to soil and wind born salts, though it could use some protection from harsh, drying winds. It can be used as a low informal hedge, allow it to spill over walls, enjoy it as a hanging basket, window box, or container specimen, as well as in mixed container gardens.

The Firecracker Fern is also known as the Coral Fountain Plant as it looks like a fountain of green, fine textured stems covered in colorful tubular flowers originating from a central point. It looks great spilling from containers, raised beds, over walls, and can even be used as an informal groundcover. It is a clump forming perennial but stems may root where they touch bare soil. Like most root hardy tropical plants, it will be best to establish your plants early in the season so that they can develop a large and vigorous root system before winter sets in. Good drainage and a loose breathable mulch are key, especially where winters are cold and wet.

Singapore Daisy / Creeping oxeye / Sphagneticola trilobata

Sphagneticola trilobata / Singapore Daisy / Creeping oxeye / Bay Biscayne/ Invasive specie

Invasive specie: Creeping Oxeye can be used as a thick, rapidly growing groundcover, but you must take great care to prevent its spread This perennial herb is a member of the Composite flower family Asteraceae and hails from: Central America, The Caribbean, Mexico. The trailing vines of individual plants grow to be a couple of feet long.There is no limit to the potential spread of the plant. It will reproduce, grow and spread wherever there is space. Leaves are fleshy and 2” and 4” inches in length. They range from 1” inch width to 5” inches, and they have irregularly toothed margins. The foliage has rounded stems. Flowering : Bay Biscayne’s pretty, daisy-like flowers are yellowish orange and have hairy stems. There are between 8 and 13 florettes on each stem. The yellowish orange, 1” inch wide flowers grow on stems rising above the dense mat of greenery. In a tropical setting, Trilobata will bloom year-round.

This invasive plant thrives in part shade to full sun.Trailing Daisy prefers moist conditions. But, this weedy plant grows well in almost any soil.  It is not an edible plant and should not be eaten by pets, livestock or children.  It is invasive and is recognized as a weed throughout. This plant is a real threat to agricultural areas, and it spreads rapidly over disturbed ground, abandoned sites, trails, roadsides, ditches and streams. To get rid of Bay Biscayne, you must uproot it carefully and thoroughly. Be sure to remove all rhizomes and roots

Rainy Tree / Samanea saman / Monkey Pod Tree/ East India Walnut

Rain Tree

Close up leaves of Rain tree

Common Name :Rain Tree 
Origin :South America 
Flowering Season  :March-September 
Vernacular Name :Male mara 
Brief Description :The origin of the common name of this species is uncertain. This large tree has an impressive umbrella-like canopy and it can be quite fascinating to watch the tree do its daily exercise of opening and closing its leaves. The flowers are white and pink resembling an open brush contrasting against the green crown. An ideal species to be planted along broad roads, it also provides for roosting and nesting of many birds.

It is called rain tree because, the leaves fold up before rainy weather  this is why it is called the Rain Tree. The tree's leaves also close just before sunset.

The Rain Tree (Samanea saman) is a wide canopied, umbrella-shaped tree that flowers through a large part of the year from March to September. The tree is locally known as "Male mara" in Kannada Bangalore. The leaflets of this tree fold closed at night and open up in sunlight. One can see these trees planted by the side of broad roads all around Bangalore. It sheds moisture  through the day, giving the tree its name. It is common to see 'rain drops'  on car parked under  a rain tree for a few hours, and this moisture is caused by insects feeding on the leaves of the tree.
Its leaves folds and show sleepy movement, in the rainy weather, hence the name Rainy Tree. The tree has pinkish flowers with white and red stamens 12-25 flowers per head. When it is in bloom the entire tree looks very beautiful and majestic with the pink and red flowers. The pods are made up of  sticky, slippery and sticky dangerous, edible flesh. When they fall down on roads the two wheeler drivers may skid and fall down specially during the rainy season. This tree is used as an avenue tree especially in different parts of the world.
Rain tree is known for carbon sequestering. It can capture a huge amount of carbon-dioxide. A mature tree can observe 30 tons of Carbon dioxide annually. 

Jarul / Pride of India / Lagerstroemia flos-reginae 


Common Name :Queen’s Flower 
Origin : India (W Ghats). Distributed in Ceylon, Burma, Malay Peninsula, Australia and China. Flowering Season :March - May 
Vernacular Name : Vernacular Name : Hole dasavala 
Brief Description : This species is also known by the name `Pride of India’. It certainly merits both the common names attributed to it. The tree, when it puts forth its many inflorescences, each about a foot long, their colour varying from pink to purple, is a grand sight indeed! The tree attains majestic proportions in well-watered areas, particularly on river and streambeds. Away from water the growth is stunted making it quite suitable for planting in gardens, parks and on roadsides. Never is the tree leafless. The leaves are shed, few at a time and turn red or yellow prior to dropping off, on a scale never equaling the grandeur of temperate trees in autumn. The tree can be easily identified even after the flowering season by the smooth bark (it peels like in guava) and the woody fruits which stay on the tree for a long time - sometimes even up to the next flowering season. 
Jarul / Lagerstroemia speciosa / Pride Of India / Tamhan

Queen's Crape myrtle / Jarul. Lagerstroemia / Rose of India / सावनी फूल

                                                   Lagerstroemia speciosa  /Jarul Tree/ Taman/ Arjun

                              White Lagerstroemia / Gulmehendi, Sawani Flower    

Red Jarul Flowers

The Queen's Flower Tree 'Lagerstroemia speciosa' has erect clusters of  spectacular flowers that dons different shades mauve, pink or lilac. The tree is small to medium sized when it grows in the city. So it is common to see planted in parks and pathways . However when it grows away from the city near water bodies the tree can grow to a great size. Petals of the flowers are crinkly, like crape and the fruits are oval . Woody capsules that stays on the tree for a very long time. The tree is also called the pride of India and is locally called 'Hole Dasavala' in kannada, Bangalore..

Pride of India or Tāmhan in Marathi  is recognised as the state flower of the state of Maharashtra  in India.

In Hindu mythology, it is said that worshipping Lord Brahma  results in blossoming of these flowers of Giant Crape Myrtle and Banaba tree and as such it brings prosperity to the house.

Different colors pink, white, purple, red, yellow.
In Theravada Buddhism, the plant represents the enlightenment
This plant is called natural plant insulin. As its leaves are used for lowering blood sugar. By drinking herbal tea prepared by leaves. And it is also used for weight loss.
Trunk looks like marble. Itis called Queen Crape myrtle as its flowers look like delicate crepe paper. It reduces city's temperature to some extends. It is valued for preventing soil erosion due to spreading root system. Its wood is also hard and is used for construction work, panelling, wagons, and boat making. Its wood is durable under water hence used for boat making. 
Anthocephalus cadamba / Kadam

Kadam Flower

Common Name : Common bur-flower.
Origin : India Origin : , China, Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam 
Flowering Season : October to July.
Vernacular Name : Kadamba
Brief Description : This tree has large leaves arranged loosely and therefore not forming a dense canopy. The tree grows large with spreading branches and is unfit for planting in small spaces. However, it is ideally suited for large parks, gardens and campuses. The flowers somewhat resemble the Badminton Ball tree. This tree has been planted as an avenue trees. The Commander Limenitis procris butterfly uses this as their larval host plant.

Peltophorum pterocarpum / Copper Pod Tree / Haldi Gulmohur

Common Name :Copper Pod 
Origin  :Ceylon, Andamans, Malaya and North Australia 
Flowering Season Flowering Season :March - September 
Vernacular Name  :Haladi Gulmohur
Brief Description: The Copper Pod is considered to be a semi-evergreen tree. It is seldom leafless though it sheds leaves en masse during the winter months for a very brief period. The name `Copper Pod’ comes from the coppery-red seed cases that are seen in profusion (they turn black with age). A species which is easy to propagate, hardy, and can survive in harsh conditions. A pretty sight when in bloom. It bears clusters of yellow flowers at the end of the branches, together with dark green leaves. The ground under the tree is strewn with a carpet of the yellow petals and is sight to behold. The tree is large and very shapely. 

Colvillea racemosa / Colville's Glory Bangalore's  Tree

Colville's Glory (Colvillea racemosa) is a mid sized deciduous tree and is very similar to Gulmohur in appearance, both have feathery leaves. However, they can be told apart, for the coville's Glory has a coppery bark and less spreading branches. The blossoms last for a short time, from August to October and are fiery orange in color. They occur on drooping stalks quite high up on the tree. These trees can be seen in cubbon park and also in Lalbagh, near the parking area.

Indian Cork Tree / Millingtonia hortensis / Tree Jasmine

Neem Chameli,

Tree Jasmine / Neem Chameli, आकाश चमेली/ कावल निम्ब / बुचाड़े झाड़ / Birate mara, आकासनिम्ब

Common name: Indian Cork Tree, Tree Jasmine • Hindi: नीम चमेली Neem Chameli • Marathi: कावल निम्ब Kaval nimb, बुचाड़े झाड़ buchade jhad, आकाश चमेली Akash chameli, बुच चे फूल Buch che phul • Tamil: கட் மல்லீ Kat-malli • Malayalam: കടെസമ് Katesam • Telugu: కవుకీ Kavuki • Kannada: ಬಿರಟೆಮರ Birate mara, ಆಕಾಶಮಲ್ಲಿಗೆ Aakaasha mallige • Oriya: ମଚ୍ ମଚ୍ Mach-mach, ବକେନୀ Bakeni, Sitahara • Konkani: आकासनिम्ब Akasnimb

Jacaranda family

Indian Cork Tree

Common Name : Indian Cork Tree.
Origin : Burma & Malayan.
Flowering Season : September - October.
Vernacular Name :Akasha Mallige 
Brief Description : A glorious tree though it lacks the bright flowers of many ornamental trees. A lofty tree, grows very tall and straight, the drooping branches laden with whitish flowers add to the beauty of the tree. The trumpet-shaped flowers are white and borne in clusters. The flowers have a pleasant fragrance that fills the air. They form a carpet on the ground during the flowering season. Though the tree drops most of the leaves for a short period during winter it is never completely bare. The bark of the tree has deep fissures and is used as cork, hence the common name. The flowers are thought to be pollinated by nocturnal insects. Even if one has to go a little out of the way to see this tree in bloom, it is worth the while. It should not be difficult for anyone with a good nose to locate these tree when in bloom.

A quick growing tall evergreen tree with attractive foliage. The trumpet shaped, silvery white flowers are sweetly scented particularly at night.

Indian Cork Tree is cultivated in most parts of India, both in gardens and avenues. Tall and straight, with comparatively few branches, its popularity lies in its ornamental value. It is a fine tree, fast growing, but with brittle wood, liable to be damaged by storms. In favourable positions it can grow to 24 m tall. The ashy bark is cracked and furrowed and the numerous fissures make removal of the cork an easy matter. It is used as an inferior substitute for true cork. From April until the rains and again in November and December, a profusion of silvery-white, delightfully fragrant flowers crown the foliage. Upright open clusters with arching blooms terminate every branchlet. Each flower is a tiny bell-shaped calyx, a long slender tube of palest green dividing into four waxy, white petals and several conspicuous yellow anthered stamens. Many flowers are delicately tinted with rose. As the flowers are short-lived, the flower sprays mostly consist largely of long whitish buds, while the ground below is spangled with innumerable little stars. Between January and March the leaves are shed and renewed during April and May, although the tree is never quite naked. The long leaves bear two or three widely spaced pinnae, each with five or seven smooth leaflets, oval, pointed and slightly round-toothed. Each is from 2.5 to 7.5 cm. long. Sometimes the lower pinnae, are again divided and bear one pair of three leaved pinnae, one or two pairs of leaflets and one leaflet at the end. The fruit is very long and narrow, pointed at both ends and contains thin flat seeds. Trees do not seed very easily in India. The long, fragrant flowers are commonly woven into an ornamental braid called Veni in Maharashtra.

Millettia pinnata

A native tree of Bengaluru, which is prominently seen on the roadsides and grows well. This tree can grow up to 80 feet in height. The seeds are used to produce oil. The oil extracted is then used to light lamps, In the making of natural soaps and also as bio-diesel.

Java cassia

Java cassia / Cassia javanica. Bangalore

                                                               Java Cassia / Cassia javanica

Java cassia/ Apple blossom cassia/ Nodding casia/Pink cassia/Manipuri Java Rani/ Pink Shower/ Makpa zangkang

As the name suggests, Java Cassia (Cassia javanica) is a medium sized tree that originates from Java and Sumatra. It flowers for a short period of time, during April and May but makes up for that  with thick clusters of stunning pink blossoms on its drooping branches. The flowers turn white as they fade, like other Cassias, the fruit pods are cylindrical and can grow upto 60 cm in length.The best specimen in the city is near Minsk Square next to the king's statue. One can also spot several trees in Lalbagh.

When in bloom, Java cassia can be a stunning sight, with the tree covered with crimson-pink flowers. It is a deciduous. tree with branchlets drooping, slender, thinly greyish. Flowers are borne in lat­eral racemes on short side branches. This character distinguishes it easily from Agnes Cassia, which has flowers borne in panicles, at ends of young leafy shoots. inflorescence axis is slender. Sepals are green, ovate. Petals are pinkish, ovate, 2.5-3 x 1-1.5 cm. Stamens are 10, among them 3 lower ante­sepalous with longer filaments than other 7. Ovary is linear, whitish velvet-hairy. Leaves are compound, 15-30 cm; leaflets 5-12 pairs, 2-5 × 1.2-2 cm, somewhat leathery, below hairy, above sparsely finely velvet-hairy, base slightly asymmetric, tip pointed or blunt. Pod is blackish brown, cylindrical, 30-45 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide, with prominent annular nodes. Java Cassia is native to Indonesia (Java), Malaysia, Thailand, widely cultivated in the tropical world.

Indian Beech Tree / Pongamia glabra / Pongam Tree / 

Pongam Tree /Pongamia glabra / Indian Beech Tree

The Pongam Tree (Pongamia glabra) also called the Indian Beech Tree is one stop pharmacy. The small fragrant flowers are in bloom from January to March and are rich in nutrients and are used as compost. The bark is use to make a twine and the fruits, sprouts, seeds are used in traditional remedies. Juices and oils from the plants are antiseptic and are resistant to pests. Oil made from the seeds known as 'honge oil' has been used as lamp oil in soap making and as an lubricant for thousands of years. The canopy is dense and the tree is histologically planted on roadside for shade. The tree is a sight to behold, with a beautiful shade of green, when it sports a first flush of leaves. it is locally known as 'Honge mara'. and attracts.

The Women Tongue Tree / Albizia lebbeck

The woman's Tongue Tree (Albizia lebbeck) Bangalore

The woman's Tongue Tree (Albizia lebbeck) gets its common name from the loud rustling noise made by its flat seed pods when they sway in the breeze. The tree has very pretty greenish- white flowers that look like powder puffs and are fragrant. The tree is widely planted as an avenue tree. The flower bloom in April-May and the seed pod make  a prominent appearance in the winters. It is locally known as 'Baage mara'.

Pink Puoi / Pink Trumpet Tree

Tabebuia/ Pink Trumpet Tree, Bangalore

Pink Trumpets / Tabebuia rosea / Pink Poui, Bangalore

Tabebuia rosea, also called pink poui and rosy trumpet tree is best noted for its often-spectacular bloom of showy, trumpet-shaped, purplish-pink bloom.

The Pink Tabebuia Tree (Tabebuia avellanedae) looks stunning when in bloom. The tree shed all its leaves  and pink flowers with yellow centers appear in thick clusters, mostly during January and February. The tree are small in stature and are often planted as ornamental trees on roadsides. They are easy to find in and around the MG Road-Cubbon Park area and also in Lalbagh.

The Gold Tree /Yellow Trumpet Tree/Yellow Tabebuia

Tree of gold/ Star of Mysore/ Tabebuia argentea

'Tree of gold' is an exotic tree native to South America. Also known as 'Yellow Tabebuia', 'Golden Bell', 'Silver trumpet tree', 'Yellow Trumpet Tree,' its scientific name is Tabebuia aurea (syn. Tabebuia argentea) belonging to the family Bignoniaceae. It is a small or medium sized tree

African Tulip Tree / Spathodea campanulata

African Tulip Tree / Spathodea campanulata. Bangalore common street tree

The African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata) is one of the  most common trees in the city and like the Gulmohur, it is one of the most recognised and familiar trees too. The tree is specially loved by the kids, who like to play with its velvety buds, which squirts  out water when squeezed!. The tree is tall and has a conspicuous wide crown with dark green leaves. The tulip shaped flowers.


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