KHAIR TREE Acasia catachu/ Kaththa

                         KHAIR TREE

                      KHAIR TREE Acacia catechu. A skin benefiting herb. Catechu. कत्था, खैर के पेड़

                           KHAIR. Babool. Acasia catechu, Kathha. Black cutch tree,(Fabaceae family)

Stipular spines

                                                              KHAIR. Acasia, Kathha.

Seed Pod

                                                                     Khair Bark

                                                                     Catechu. कत्था

Catechu. Heartwood. कत्था

The Khair tree is best known for 'catechu' कत्था, खैर के पेड़. obtained from its red heartwood by a procedure that is thousands of year old. It essentially involves boiling chips of the heartwood in water till a thick paste id formed, which hardens into  liver colored blocks.
In pure form this yield dark catechu or 'cutch' a strong astringent with medicinal uses, and a dull red dye. In less pure form, it yields  'Kathha' the rusty substance used in Paan.

                                               "Khadiraha kushtagnanam shreshtaha"
                                                                    खदिरः कुष्ठग्नानं श्रेष्ठः

In Ayurveda, Khadira is considered as the best drug in treating skin diseases. If you visit Kerala you will be offered pink coloured water instead of plain water. The pink color water is due to presence of Khadira. If you have ever watched making of paan (combination of betel) leaf areca nut), you would have observed that at first they smear a red paste on betel leaf  which is a paste from plant Khadira.

In different languages :
English : Cutch Tree / Black cutch
Hindi : Kaththa
Kannada : Kaggali
Tamil : Karungali, Karanaggali
Telugu : Kaachu, Chandra, Sandra
Malayalam : Kadaram

A thorny deciduous tree with a thin feathery crown and flaky rough bark.  It grows up to the hieght of 15 meters.

Mature tree are invariably crooked and seldom attain more than 6 m in Delhi. A native Delhi tree adapted to harsh conditions on the ridge where it sometimes forms stands. Now here cultivated in park or as an avenue tree.  Spines hooked with a broad base. Seasons : Leaves : shed in January, tree bare till new leaves appear in late May. The leaves are bipinnate alternate. Leaflets are 30-50, oblong and each leaflet measures around 0.25 cm long and 0.5cm broad.
Stipular spines are present, which are axillary, paired and recurved.
Flowers : soon after the new leaves lasting till July or a little later. Flowers are pale yellow, sessile, and arranged in long axillary spikes.
Fruits : pod forms by August-September and last through winter till March. Fruit pod 4-9 cm long. Young pods are magenta at first, go through a green phase, then turn buff or dark golden-brown. Fruit is a pod which measures around 5-7cm long and 2 cm broad, flat and turns brown when mature. 
Seeds : 3-10 flat seeds are present in each pod.
Bark :is brown in color and the heartwood is Red.
Habitat : Grows in dry and moist deciduous forests of India.
Part used : Heartwood. Chemical composition - wood has a large quantity of tannins, catechu-tannic acid, catechin, gum, and quercetin. Catechu-tannic acid occurs as a dark reddish brown powder, which oxidizes in air.
Ayurvedic Properties : Pacifies Pitta and Kapha
Medicinal uses :

The tree finds its major application in the treatment of skin and respiratory problems more in particular of allergic origin. Also it is used as an important constituent for maintenance of oral hygiene and and also as local treatment for bleeding injuries as styptic agent by virtue of its astringent properties. Some of the medicinal uses are:
  • Used as toothbrush as it hardens the gums and cleanses the teeth (hence it has a synonym called dantadhavana.
  • The wood is used to perform yajna (that is why it is called yajniya)
  • Used in skin diseases, hence it is called Kushtari ) (Kustha means skin diseases and ari means enemy). Khadira also helps in skin tightening by contracting skin cells or other body tissues due to its astringent property.
  • Khadira is widely used in cases of oral disorders such as mouth ulcers, gingivitis, cuts when its paste is applies on the affected area. it has strong healing activity due to its anti-inflammatory , anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties. Khadira decoction is applied in mouth and on tongue to cure mouth ulcer. It is also applied externally on ulcers, boils, skin eruptions and on gums as disinfectant.
  • The popular preparation Khadiradi guti in Ayurveda is extremally helpful for chewing in sore throat, hoarseness of voice and tonsillitis etc. due to vitiation of kapha dosha. It dries up the mucous secretions and regain the taste sensation.
  • Khadira is good for hair as it might act as a natural hair dye. Regular application of Khadira  on hair increases the volume and shine of hair by nourishing them,
  • Khadira is extremally beneficial in vaginal diseases, leucorrhea, menorrhagiaetc. for which its decoction is commonly used.
  • The decoction of bark mixed with milk is taken to cure cold and cough.
  • The bark decoction is either alone  or used in combination with opium to cure severe diarrheas.
  • Katha after drying is applied on lemon slice and taken regularly with empty stomach to cure piles.
  • Heartwood of Acasia catechu is boiled with  other ingredients to prepare the decoction. It is taken as tea by  pregnant ladies to keep warm  their body. It is also given to cure fever due to cold during pregnancy.
  • A decoction is served to women after 2-3 days of child delivery, prepared by boiling katha with elaichi (cardemum). It is believed that  it provides strength to the body  and also helps in secretion of milk.
  • The water boiled with the heartwood clips of Acacia catechu is used to take bath by women after delivery. It is considered beneficial to cure the body pains.
  • As per Ayurveda. Khadir powder when taken with lukewarm water helps manage diarrhea due to its antidiarrheal property.
  • Used in fever.
  • Used in bleeding disorders.
  • Improves the digestion and metabolism hence it is mixed with drinking water and also used in paan.
  • Used in cough and cold.
  • Worm infestation.
  • Infected wounds.
Important formulations which contain Khadira

  • Khadirarishta
  • Khadiradi vati
  • Dashmilarishta
  • Katakakhadiradi Kashaya
  • Khadiradi Kashaya
  • Asanadi Kashaya
  • Mahamanjishtadi Kashaya
  • Kanakabinwarishta
  • Musalikhadiradi Kashaya.


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