

                                   The one fruit pharmacy

Indian Gooseberry, Malacca tree, Amlaki, Amla Phyllanthus emblica, Emblic myrobalan

Amalaki (Gooseberry) is one of those Ayurvedic plants with a long celebrated history of supporting health and energy. More specifically for those looking for a  natural high performance edge, 

                                           "The Wonder fruit AMLA"

        Amla/Castor family - Euphorbiaceae

                                        Amla Tree. Emblic myrobalan, Aonla, Amlaki, Amra

Amla Powder

Amla Fruit. Emblic myrobalan, Aonla, Amlaki, Amra

The Amla grows wild in dry and slightly moist forests throughout the Indian subcontinent. Many parts of the tree are highly esteemed in traditional Indian medicine and here is only a starter kit of the astonishing properties of  its fruit.. Anyone who has eaten it knows that its extreme sourness is followed by a sweet and refreshing after taste, produced when saliva breaks down glycosides in the juice. It contains 20 times  as much vitamin C as (an equivalent quantity of ) orange juice. It is used to treat jaundice, gastro intestinal disorders, dyspepsia and coughs and is considered diuretic and laxative. In combination with the fruit  of Harra and Beheda  in Ayurvedic Triphala. It is employed in treating chronic dysentery, biliousness, hemorrhoids, enlarged liver,, quite apart from a range of digestive disorders. 

The juice from freshly picked fruit is employed as an eye wash. It is also cooked, baked, boiled,, preserved and pickled in various ways  as a general purpose tonic. Amla juice is also used in hair dyes and dried Amla as detergent and shampoo where it is believed to cure 'confusion of thought' and loss of hair.

Amla : A distinctive tree from dry forest with a fluttered trunk, fine, feathery foliage and thin, grey bark, peeling in small, irregular patches. The tiny leaves can be mistaken for leaflets of a feather compound leaf but are equally the smaller simple leaves of any Delhi tree. The tart fruit are a familiar ingredient of pickles and sherbet's.. Season : Leafless through January and February, new leaves appear in early May. Flowers: Late March to Mid-April. Frits : ripens just under a year but remain for long under a tree.

AMLA : A distinctive medium sized tree deciduous  from dry forest with a fluted trunk, fine feathery foliage and thin grey bark peeling in small, irregular patches. The tiny leaves can be mistaken for leaflets of a feather compound leaf but are really the smallest simple leaves of any Delhi tree. The tart fruit are a familiar ingredient of pickles and sherbet. Season : Leaves : through January and February, new leave appear early in March. Flower : Late March to mid April. Male Flowers : are far more numerous and 'flower like' and are clustered towards the base of a twig. They have tiny stalks. You can recognize the females by their three forked styles, just a few of them towards the apex. Fruit : ripen in just under a year but remain for long on the tree. Fruits nearly rounded 2-4 cm in diameter, smooth yellow green with thin faint lines from base to apex fresh crisp, extremally sour.

The Wonder Fruit Amla 
Amalaki has many notable benefits such as:
  • Supports immunity.
  • Act as an anti oxidant
  • Excellent source of vitamin C, easily assimilated by  the human body.
  • Promotes healthy growth of hair.
  • Strengthens the eyes
  • Regulates elimination.
  • Good for skin, It moisturizes the skin, cleanses the tissue of toxins, helps enhance glow and luster.
  • Balances stomach acids.
  • Stimulates the liver, helping in eliminating chemicals, additives and other toxins from the body.
  • Act as a body coolant.
  • Helps in urinary system. It supports natural diuretic action, helping eliminate waste from the  body.
  • Aids in muscle tone, it is good for strengthening muscles and building lean muscles mass. Its unique Ayurvedic action offers athletes and body builders a natural way to tone muscles and lean mass.
  • Improves vitality, it increases energy and removes fatigue. It supports regeneration of cells, the process by which tired, old cells are replaced by vital, new ones.
  • Nurtures all dhatus (body tissues) keep menstruations regular and healthy. It supports the reproductive systems of both men and women. It is especially nurturing for a women's physiology.
  • Supports heart, it is 'hridya' which means it nurtures the heart, blood and circulation it manages the entire cardiovascular system.
  • It act as a tonic that helps strengthen and nourish the lungs and the entire respiratory tract.
  • Promotes food absorption , regular use supports digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. In addition, it improves assimilation of iron for healthy blood.
  • Nourishes the brain and mental functioning, it nurtures and enhances coordination among the three aspects of mental ability, acquisition, retention and recall, sharpening the intellect and mental functioning. It supports the nervous system and strengthen the senses.


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