Summer Season

                         Summer Season

Summer Season

                                                             Mid May- Mid July
When the summer season arrives, most of stay prefer indoors. However for Mother Nature, it is a time to show off her beauty and wonders. While we are blessed with juicy fruits in Indian summers, we are also lucky to have some of the most gorgeous flowers on planet earth. Here is a list of some magnificent summer flowers.

White Spider  Lilly. Hymenocallis littoralis, नागदमनी
Spider Lilly : It spread like a spider.

                                        Jasminum, Papa Sambac, Motia, Mallika,  मोगरा

Mogra : Arabian Jasmine  Motia Plant is a tropical plant and belongs to the olives (Oleaceae) family. It is widely cultivated for its high fragrance flowers. It is one of the easiest growing and low maintenance plants. It requires at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day and regular watering to grow.

                                                              Mogra. Jasmine, Motia


 Jasmine Sambac, Motia, Mallika,  मोगरा

CHANDNI. Crape Jasmine Gardenia, Tabermaemontana divaricata, Gardenia. Pinwheel Flower, Carnation of India, Tagar, East Indian rosebay  चांदनी के फूल, जंगली चमेली  

Nag Champa / Fiddle Leaf Pomeria

Gardenia. गंधराज 
Opens its petals at night and blooms for days

                                                             Common (Officinale) Jasmine
              Jasmines are widely cultivated for the characteristic fragrance of their flowers. 

Jasmine officinale . Jati. चमेली.
 जूही (Hindi), Uccimalligai உச்சி மல்லிகை (Tamil), Adavimalle (Telugu), Banamallika (Oriya), Sucimulla (Malayalam), Sanna mallige (Kannada), Jai जाई (Marathi), Yutika युतिका (Sanskrit)

 Star  Jasminum Multiflorum. चमेली, बेला कन्द पुष्प 
Chameli : A creeper with fragrance.

Sweet Scented Jasmine जूही

   Common Daisy. Bellis Perennis. गुलबहार

Peace Lily. Live in the moment. Spathiphyllum wallisii

Peace Lily / Spathiphyllum wallisii

Beautiful Varna Flower / Varun tree. Crataeva adansonii

Delhi's Beautiful Sacred Barna Tree/ Varun Tree/ Beautiful Varna Flower / Varun tree. Crataeva adansonii

The Varuna tree found across the country has names in almost all languages - Manipuri - Loiyumba Lei, Tamil - Marvilinga, Bengali - Barun, Sanskrit - Varuna, Malayalam - Nir Mathalam, Kannada - Nirvala, Telugu - Voolemara

                                                                      Water Lily 

                                                           White Water Lily

                                                              Purple Water Lily

                                                         Pink Water Lily

Foxtail Orchid
Fragrant Foxtail Orchid / Rhynchostylis retusa

Foxtail Orchid

Foxtail Orchid

Foxtail Orchid

Night Blooming Jasmine. Cestrum Nocturnum.रात की रानी 

Night Blooming Jasmine / रात की रानी 

Brahma kamal / Saussurea obvallata

  Pendant Lobster Claw Plant (Hanging Heliconia Rostrata)
Bird of paradise flower / Hanging Heliconia / Hanging Lobster Claw. Hamming are the main pollinators of Heliconia flower

Heliconia Pssittacorum

Red Heliconia Flower

Pink Carnation Flower / Dianthus

Carnation / Dianthus 

Blue Scarlet Carnations


Beautiful Carnation Flower/ Dianthus

                                                         Carnation May

Carnation / Dianthus

Carnation / Dianthus

Carnation /  Dianthus


Gomphrena Flower

Guzmania Flower/ Bombacaceae Nidularium

Cassia fistula / The Golden Shower

Amaltas Golden Shower/ Pugdundee safaris


Sunshine on earth . The Golden Shower. Also known as the golden shower, this is the most iconic cassia of India. During the hot weather (April-May) the tree becomes most conspicuous with its pendulous inflorescence of golden yellow, mildly scented flowers.

Blue Alpine Poppy

                                                              Purple Cooktown Orchid 

Verbascum phoeniceum

                                                                  Tecoma Flower

                                                        Indian Tecoma Stans

                                                           Tecoma Yellow / Yellow Trumpet flower

                                          Beautiful Yellow Colored Tecoma Flower

The large, showy, golden yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers are in clusters at the ends of branches. The corolla  of the flower is bell- to funnel-shaped, five-lobed (weakly two-lipped), often reddish-veined in the throat and is 3.5 to 8.5 cm long. Flowering takes place all year round. The flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Adenium Bloom / Desert Rose

Morning Glory

Crossandra Infundibuliform, Fircracker Flower, आबोली

Golden Champa. Magnolia Champaca, सोनचाफा

Golden Frangipani, Golden Champa. Magnolia Champaca, सोनचाफा

Magnolia : Blooms best in summer season making it probably the greatest of all summer flowers of India.

Yellow Magnolia Flower चंपा


Sunflower with Honey Bee सूरजमुखी


Plumeria Tree

White Frangipani, Plumeria Alba, Temple Tree. Khair Champa, चंपा, गुलैन्ची, गुलाचिन 

Plumeria Rubra, गुलैन्ची, गुलाचिन 

                                                           Yellow Frangipani

Orange Plumeria

Tuberose. Nishigandha. Polianthes tuberosa, रजनीगंधा, गुलशब्बो 

Lotus. कमल 

Nymphaea, Lotus, Blue Water Lily, नीलकमल

Red Lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, कुमुद

Brahma Lotus, ब्रह्मकमल

Daisy, गुलबहार

Daisy. Bellis Perennis,गुलबहार

Summer Daisies, गुलबहार

Bellis  perennis,गुलबहार

Chamomile versus Daisy Flower

                                                         Chamomile , Tanacetum Parthenium, बबूने का फूल

                                      Euphorbia milii / Crown of Thorns / Christ Plant

Cosmos ब्रह्मांड फूल


Cosmos Bipinnatus



Shevanti. Chrysanthemum.गुलदाउदी

Rose गुलाब 

                                                              Stripped Barbados Lily

Rose गुलाब, 

Red Rose. गुलाब

Rose. गुलाब

Rose. गुलाब

Rose. गुलाब 


Hibiscus. Shoe Flower / जवाकुसुम / गुड़हल / जास्वंद / जपा /  / जासुद /जुबा .

National flower of Malaysia and South Korea.

                                                               Hibiscus rosa sinensis. Japa. Jaswant

Calendula / French Merrygold, Tagetes /  गेन्दुक 





Phlox Paniculata/

Star shaped flowers.

Gaillardia pulchella





Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera Jamesnil

Gerbera Red




Jarul. Lagerstroemia, सावनी फूल

Rudbeckia. Black eyed Susan.



Tropaeolum Majus



Striking pandulous flowers in various colors




Mimosa Pudica. Shame Plant, Touch me not, छुईमुई,लज्जावंती. 


Gulmohar, National Tree of India

Bonnet Macaque eating Delonix regia


Moss Rose / Portulasa grandiflora

Moss Rose / Portulasa gradiflora

Portulaca grandiflora is a succulent flowering plant in the family Portulacaceae, native to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and often cultivated in gardens. It has many common names, including rose moss, roeleven o'clock, Mexican rose, moss rose, sun rose, rock rose and moss-se purslane. Plant are toxic to dogs and cat. 




Bougainvillea Glabra. बोगन बेल 

                                              Sita Ashok Saraca Ashoka Flower

                                                      Sita Ashok Saraca Ashoka Flower

Saraca asoca

A handsome evergreen tree with spreading branches forming a shapely crown & attractive young foliage. The vibrant orange & slightly fragrant flowers are borne in roundish panicles in the summer season

The ashoka is a rainforest  tree. Its original distribution was in the central areas of the Deccan Plateau , as well as the middle section of the Western Ghats  in the western coastal zone of the Indian subcontinent.
The ashoka is prized for its beautiful foliage and fragrant Flowers. It is a handsome, small, erect evergreen  tree, with deep green leaves growing in dense clusters.
Its flowering season is around February to April.


Lantana, राईमुनिया

Coneflower (Echinacea) : The plant has large bloss0ms with a long flowering time from summer to fall.


Lavender Farms. Smell of lavender is relaxing.

Lavender is famous for its beauty and fragrance

                                        Hydrangea Microphyla

Hydrangeas : Large flowering perennial shrub with showy flowers that bloom year on year and last all  summer long.

Hydrangea/  हाइड्रेंजस 

Thymus Serpyllum

                                                               Thymus Serpyllum

Thymus Serpyllum. अजवाईन के फूल

Thymus Serpyllum, Creeping Thyme : Flowering ground cover plant for full sun that creates a carpet of purple from early summer. 

Bee Balm Monarda

Bee Balm Monarda : One of the showiest summer blooming perennial with spiky red flowers that last until the fall.

                                                        White Oleander Flower

                                                   Peach colored Oleander Flower

Yellow Oleander Flower. Thevertia peruviana पीले फूल वाली कनेर

Kaner. Nerium Oleander

Coffee Canephora. Kerala coffee flower. Coffee/Gardenia family Rubiaceae

Canna, सर्वज्जय

                                                                     Canna, सर्वज्जय

Lilium Auratum,कुमुदिनी
Day Lilly : Lilly is a national flower of France.

Lilium Asiatic, Day lily

Lilium, Day lily. कुमुदिनी

Lilium Auratum, Day lily. कुमुदिनी

Lilium, Day Lily, कुमुदिनी

Red Lily, Day Lily, कुमुदिनी

Blue Lily, Day Lily, कुमुदिनी

Tiger Lily, Day Lily, कुमुदिनी

Lilium Mapira, Day Lily, कुमुदिनी

Evergreen Asiatic Lilies, Day Lily , कुमुदिनी

Pink Oxalis crassipes

Cassia Fistula. Golden Shower Flower, अमलतास

                                                             Gulmohur Blossom

Gulmohor. Delonix Regia. Peacock Flower. Krishnachura or Flame tree, Flamboyant tree) रक्त गुलमोहर

Gulmohor Flower

Gulmohor . Peacock Flower. Guletura, Royal Poinciana Gulmohur / लाल गुलमोहर

Yellow Gulmohor , पीत गुलमोहर, 

Pink Gulmohor

Jarul . Lagerstroemia Spaciosa, Queen's Flower Tree / Queen Crape Myrtle सावनी

Queen Crape Myrtle  Jarul . Lagerstroemia, सावनी

 Rangoon Creeper. Combretum Indicum, मधुमालती

Gazania. Treasure Flower

Bearded Iris


Calotropis Gigantea, Crown Flower, सफेद आक 

Chrysanthemum, गुलदाउदी , चंद्रमल्लिका

Chrysanthemum गुलदाउदी , चंद्रमल्लिका

Merry gold . Tagetes गेंदा

Tree Peony.





Phlox Paniculata Star shaped flowers


Fire Bush. Hamelia Patens

Purple Coneflower Echinacea Purpurea

Coneflower. Echinacea purpura / शंकु धारी

Pink Coneflower / शंकु धारी

                                                                 White Coneflower /  शंकु धारी

Mari Gold Flower. Tagetes Erecta Genda.  गेंदा 

French Marigold


                                                            African Merrygold

Pink Peony. Evergreen flower

                                        Peony Pink   Fragrant Evergreen Flower . Lobed leaves

                                                          European White Peony

                                                                           Red Peony

                                                                    Yellow Peony

                                                                        Purple Peony

                                                                            Peonies Evergreen

The peony is outrageously beautiful in bloom with the fattest, most scrumptious flowers and lush green lobed foliage. Enjoy breathtaking flowers from spring to summer. Peonies are perennials that come back every year to take your breath away. In fact, the plants may live longer than you do—some have been known to thrive for at least 100 years. There are six peony flower types to choose from: anemonesingleJapanesesemi-doubledouble, and bomb. Fragrances vary as well—some plants such as ‘Festiva Maxima’ and ‘Duchesse de Nemours’ have intoxicating rose-like scents while others are lemony or have no scent at all. After its stunning bloom, the peony’s bushy clump of handsome glossy green leaves lasts all summer, and then turns purplish-red or gold in the fall, as stately and dignified as any flowering shrub.


Veronica flowers


Veronica Spicata


Yarrows, Achillea Moonshine

Violet Yarrow

Yarrow. Achillea

Yarrow. Achillea

The Yarrow .Achillea

                                                         Butterfly Pea, अपराजिता

                                                Aparajita . Clitoria Ternatea

                                                        Vinca rosea, Periwinkle. Catharanthus Roseus, सदाबहार 

Periwinkle/  सदाबहार 



Garden Gerenium





Geraniums or Cranesbills. It keeps the insects and worms away. The palmately Cleft leaves are broadly circular in forms. The palmately cleft leaves  are broadly circular in form. The flowers have five petals and are coloured white, pink, purple or blue, often with distinctive veining. Planted as a side plant.

                                                                         Pantas Flower




Morning Glory. Ipomoea, महिमा फूल, प्रात:श्री

Morning Glories are known for its beautiful blossoming flowers and its heart-shaped leaves lightning up the garden in summers. As it comes from the name, these flowers bloom only in the morning whereas some species of Morning Glory bloom at night. Morning Glory flowers also do bloom in quite a few different colors and the common ones are pink, magenta, purple-blue and white.

Blue Morning glory, महिमा फूल, प्रात:श्री

Balsam, गुलमेंहदी

Balsam, गुलमेंहदी

Portulaca. मोस रोज. गुल-ए-शमा


Yellow Angel's Trumpet Flower . Brugmansia

White Trumpet Moon Flower. Brugmansia.

Papaver Dhatura Flower. Opium पोस्ता फूल, खस-खस,अफ़ीम 

                                         Papaver, Opium  पोस्ता फूल, खस-खस ,अफ़ीम 


Dianthus / Sweet William

Dianthus / Sweet willium

Dianthus / Sweet William

Anemone, रत्नज्योति

Anemone, रत्नज्योति


                                                       Cockscomb / Celosia Cristata, लाल मुर्गा फूल

                                                     Yellow Cockscomb Flower, Celosia 






Aloe Vera Flower घृत कुमारी

Lady Finger Flower, भिंडी के फूल

                                                      Purple Passion Flower,  झुमका लता

                                                   White and red Star Petunia

                                                                      Guava Flowers  (Feb-June)

                                                                 Senna spectabilis 

Cone flower

Anemone Buttercup family. Wind flowers

Anemone. Buttercup family. Wind Flowers

Kniphofia Red Hot Pokers. Torch Lily.  Tritoma.  family Asphodelaceae



Daffodil / नरगिस

Daffodil / नरगिस

Daffodil / नरगिस

Daffodil / नरगिस

Daffodil / नरगिस

Daffodil / नरगिस

Poinsettia/ Euphorbia pulcherrima 

It is particularly well known for its red and green foliage and is widely used in Christmas floral displays. It derives its common English name from Joel Robert Poinsett , the first United States minister to Mexico, who is credited with introducing the plant to the US in the 1820s. Poinsettias are shrubs or small trees, with heights of 0.6 to 4 m (2.0 to 13.1 ft). Though often stated to be highly toxic, the poinsettia is not dangerous to pets or children. Exposure to the plant, even consumption, most often results in no effect, though it can cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Euphorbia pulcherrima is a shrub or small tree, typically reaching a height of 0.6–4 metres (2–13 ft). The plant bears dark green dentate  leaves that measure 7–16 centimetres (2.8–6.3 in) in length. The colored bracts which are normally flaming red, with cultivars being orange, pale green, cream, pink, white, or marbled—are often mistaken for flower Petals  because of their groupings and colors, but are actually leaves.The colors of the bracts are created through Photoperiodism , meaning that they require darkness (at least fourteen hours at a time for 6–8 weeks in a row) to change color. The plants also require abundant light during the day for the brightest color.


Perrineal Aster Flower



White Aster

Aster : Small flowers in a disk like flower head

                                                             White Hibiscus Flower

                                                 Trio of vibrant Red Habiscus/ Shoe Flower

                                                                       Pink Habicus





                                                                  Blue Habiscus

Ixora coccinea / Rukmani रुक्मणी

Oleander / Nerium Poisonous Shrub

Water Hyacinth (Weed)

Water Hyacinth



                                                             Foxglove flower bloom

Woman's Tongue Tree / Albizia lebbeck

Albizia lebbeck / Woman's Tongue Tree

Albizia lebbeck / Woman's Tongue Tree

Common Name : Woman’s Tongue Tree.
Origin : Tropical Africa, Asia, and northern Austra.
Flowering Season : April - May.
Vernacular Name : Baage  in Kannada (Bangalore.
Brief Description :This tree is particularly noticeable after the flowering is over and the tree bears the large, light brown flat pods. The pods hanging in good numbers on the tree can be seen during the winter months. These make a loud rustling noise when subject to even a gentle breeze giving the tree its common name. The greenish white flowers of this tree are very pretty, reminiscent of the Rain Tree; they also have a mild fragrance. The tree can be easily propagated by seed. Species of Grass yellow Eurema sp. butterflies use this as their larval host plant.

Cassia javanica 

Common Name : Java Cassia.
Origin : Java and Sumatra 
Flowering Season : Flowering Season :April – May 
Vernacular Name : Vernacular Name :None 
Brief Description : A stunningly beautiful tree, the Java Cassia is a medium-sized tree with a spreading crown. It has a straight trunk, horizontal branches and drooping branchlets which bear the foliage. During winter the tree is leafless and is in flush along with the pink flowers during the hot months. The flowers are clustered on the drooping branchlets amidst the pale green leaves. The flowers that are dark pink turn white with age and during the peak season the ground under the tree is covered with the petals. It adds colour to the area where it is planted. Like most other Cassias it bears long, cylindrical, dark brown pods. 

Kigelia pinnata 

Common Name : Sausage Tree.
Origin : Mozambique and parts of tropical Africa 
Flowering Season :March to June 
Vernacular Name : Vernacular Name :Sasega mara 
Brief Description : Bats are known to pollinate the deep liver / maroon coloured flowers of the Sausage Tree. A few of these foul smelling flowers are borne on a thick long stalk which hangs from branches. The fruits, which give the tree its common name, are sausage (cylindrical) shaped, large, woody and hang on long thick stalks. The Sausage tree is evergreen. It also has a shapely crown and ideal for parks and roadside planting. This tree belongs to the same family as that of Jacaranda and Tabebuias.

Mast Tree / Polyalthia longifolia / Ashoka Tree

Common Name :Mast Tree 
Origin  :Sri Lanka 
Flowering Season  :March - May 
Vernacular Name  :Ashoka 
Brief Description :  Very often this tree is erroneously called Ashoka (Saraca asoca). The name Mast Tree describes this species better. These trees are evergreen and grow tall. In P.longifolia the long tapering leaves are borne on short slender horizontal branches while in the case of var. pendula similar leaves are borne on drooping branches. Both are ideally suited for planting in a variety of situations. The flowers are pale green with a hint of yellow and not very prominent (particularly in pendula where the foliage conceals the flowers). Bats disperse the fruits. This tree also is the larval food plant of the Tailed Jay butterfly.


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