Slimming and Building uo in therapeutics

Slimming and Building up in therapeutics If the disturbance of dosha fails to settle or worsen, the therapy is inadequate or or is inadequatly carried out. Introduction A good physician must know the principles and practice of six procedures which are employed in therapeutics. They are : Slimming Langhana Building Brmhana Roughening Roksana Lubricating Snehana Fomenting Svedana Arresting or Checking Stambhana Slimming Langhana लंघन upvas Slimming makes the body light Procedure Qualities of medication : Lightness, heat, roughness, instability, non slipperiness, intensity. Action : Makes the body light. Diet Building Brmhana Building up adds to the bulk. Procedure Qualities of medication : Heaviness, coldness, softness, lubricity, solidity, stability, slowness, smoothness. Action : A dds to the bulk. Diet Medication Roughening Roksana रुक्षता , रूखापन Roughening i...