Bakul Tree
Bakul Tree Bakul . The Bullet Tree. Sweet odoured Tree Bakul Indian Medicinal Plant Madhugandha Sweet odoured Tree Vajradanti / Medlar or Bulletwood Tree Maulsari Fruit Bunch Fragrant Bakul Flowers Fruits of Bakul Tree. VAJRADANTI BAKUL Maulsary. Medicinal Tree. Mimosop elengi, Spanish cherry. Bullet wood. Leaves Bakul Flower Tree Image चिर पुष्प Evergreen Bakul Seeds, Therefore called Bullet Wood Tree Introduction MAULSARI. Mimusops elengi : About the Bakul Tree - It is a beautiful every green tree with a dense canopy of small shiny leaves. The tree bears creamy white fragrant flowers and ovoid berries. Year-around flowering, ( चीर पुष्प ) , Flowers in flushes throughout the year. A middle sized tree branching low and forming a dense dark, glossy head. Reputedly evergre