The Solo Travel List

The Solo Travel List Introduction Here is our handy guide for what to carry on a solo backpacking trip: Universal Adapter. ... Extension Cord. ... Power Bank. ... Padded Bag/Backpack. ... Passport Size Photographs. ... Medical Kit. ... Currency (Forex) ... Ready-to-eat food. Learn a few words in the local language It's always good to learn a new language. While travelling it helps you communicate better and helps understand a culture. So, make an effort to communicate in the local language. Interact with locals Often there are local, independent coffee shops that have communal tables. So over coffee, you can meet new people and enjoy a cultural mix. Pick the right stay Choose a homestay, a hostel or B&B BED AND BREAKFAST. Such places have common rooms and are great places to meet people. There are exchange programs - you stay with a family and then when ever they come to your city, they stay with you- it help...